APRIL 08, 2020 | CHICAGO, IL—
CHICAGO, IL—Amidst executing numerous projects for MA, fellows Ellis-Willis Begley and Aniella Goldinger have completed individual research projects that seek to advance the field of architecture.
During the course of Ellis' fellowship he built a network of relationships among the various stakeholders of affordable and accessible housing. Ellis interrogated spatial components of existing architectural accessibility codes and promoted a collaborative, evidence-based design approach to create equitable spatial experiences for all.
Aniella's fellowship focused on creating a manifolded collection of earth stories, "an atlas as a carrier bag of words". Working within architecture, art, critical studies, and environmental humanities, her research establishes a series of stories that evolved from considerations on the Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Plantainocene, and Chtulhucene.
Click to review the work and remarkable insights Ellis and Aniella worked so hard on to prepare.